Wednesday 13 May 2009


What is programming?

set of instructions that a computer follows in order to perform a particular task.

What a programming Language is?

Alphabetical (english),machine-readable artificial language

Different kind of programming languages.

cs,bk 90....

What is MSW-Logo is?

Logo is a computer programming language used for functional programming. It is an easier-to-read adaptation and dialect of the Lisp language.

Monday 27 April 2009






Wednesday 22 April 2009

Stickfigure animation calsswork

example of jumping animation

example of dancing animation

example of walking animation

Monday 20 April 2009

animation hw 1

what is animation?
an animation is displaying pic of images one by one.
how does it help?
it helps to make cartoons or tv programs
or u can just make it for fun.
What are the importance of animation?
i think the importance of animation is
u have to draw clearly and if there's more and more pices of pictures
u can make it more smooth and good to see.
and also i think u should draw good pic that means
u should know clearly about animation.<<-i think

Monday 23 March 2009

ERD Diagrams

home work

one to one:1teacher&1student
it means 1 teacher relatied to 1 student
one to many:basketball team&basketball player
it means theres only one team but many player in one team
many to many:doctors and patients
it means doctors relatied to many patients

Sunday 15 March 2009

School Blog Use Policy

1. Students using blogs are expected to treat blogspaces as classroom spaces. Speech that is inappropriate for class is not appropriate for your blog. While we encourage you to engage in debate and conversation with other bloggers, we also expect that you will conduct yourself in a manner reflective of a representative of this school.

2. Students who violate the agreements here shall forfeit their right to school Internaet access and willl face other sanctions deemed appropriate by the administration.

3. Student blogs are to be a forum for studnet expression. However, they are first and foremost a tool for learning, and as such will sometimes be constrained by the various requirements and rules of classroom teachers. Students are welcome to post on any school-appropiate subject at any time, outside of their classroom requirements.

4. Student blogs are not open to comments oppesing any School Staff of School Policy.

I understand the above mentioned rule and shall abide by them while using blogs for classroom learning.

Ivy baik March16,2009 year 9-1

Source: Blog Acceptable Use PolicyAcceptable Use Policy

Monday 9 March 2009

Safety R Us

now days everyone knows about internet
we should not do something bad on the internet.

Local authorities are becoming concerned over teen blogging

i think parent sould take care of their children.
because there's a lots of problems


1. What’s a blog? 2. "Local Authorities are becoming concerned over teen blogging" from the Sikeston, MO Standard Democrat "Safety R Us" from "More on Safety" from Bud The Teacher "Blog Policy" from Bud The Teacher's Wiki Policy6. "Student Blogging Handbook" from Bud The Teacher's Wiki


what is a blog?
it is a site that we can view somthing on.
we can contect each others too.
and it is a personal diary.

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Ivy's report- rptCLient

Client Payment Details

ClientNumber - Name - Current Due - Amount Paid
IB44 -Baik Ivy - $0.00 - $0.00
BS27 - Blant and Sons -$892.50 - $21,876.00
CP27 - Calder Plastics -$0.00 - $8,725.00
CE16 -Center Services -$2,672.00 - $26,512.00
EU28 - Elba's Furniture -$1,202.00 - $4,256.00
FL93 -Fairland Lawn -$0.00 -$21,625.00
FI28 -Farrow-Idsen -$925.50 -$8,287.50
HN83 -Hurley National -$0.00 -$0.00
MC28 -Morgan-Alyssa -$1,572.00 -$24,761.00
PS82 -PRIM Staffing -$2,827.50 -$11,682.25
TE26 -Telton-Edwards -$0.00 -$8,521.50

Monday 16 February 2009


Display all Client name whose trainer number
is "48"or Client name is "Morgan-Alyssa

Select tblclient .ClientNum,
tblClient.Name,tblClent.[Trainer Number]
FROM tblClient
ORDER BY tblClent.Name;

Wednesday 11 February 2009


  • Name-text
  • ADDRESS-text
  • City STATE -text
  • Zip Code-text
  • Amount Paid-number
  • Current Due-text
  • Trainer Number-number

creating additional tables

Trainer Number TEXT 2 YES Trainer Number (primary Key)
Last name TEXT 10 NO Last Name of Trainer
First Name TEXT 8 NO First Name of Trainer
Address TEXT 15 NO Street Address
City TEXT 15 NO City
State TEXT 2 NO State (Two-Character Version)
Zip Code TEXT 5 NO Zip Code (Five-Character version)
HOurly Rate Currency Hourly Rate of Trainer
YTD Earings Currency YTD EARnings of Trainer

Sunday 8 February 2009

home work

Field names Data Type

Passenger Number(PK) Auto number

Last name Text

First name Text

Phone number Text

Sex Text

address Text

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Planning the structure of table Passanger

Field names Data Type
Passenger Number(PK) Autonumber
Lastname Text
Firstname Text
Planning the Studnets

Student Number(PK)
Student First name
Studnet Last name
Phone number
Y:\2008-2009\year9\Ivy Baik\Term2
C:\Documents and Settings\User\桌面\access

Sunday 1 February 2009

what is database?


explain of a database?

How much is the land?
What is the coast of the land?
How big is the land?
Good land?
Size of the land?
Can I build a house there?
Some one live there?
What is the location?

Sunday 18 January 2009

about me

Hello, my name is Ivy:)
Nice to meet u guyyyyyys!